Teaching Archive

Gastprofessur in Vienna

 Visiting Professor in the Department of Politics, University of Vienna, 2018-2019, teaching courses in Making Policy, Doing Comparison and Doing Politics and Making Policy at Bachelor's and Master's levels respectively... BAK 13: Making policy, doing...

Political Work

leads the teaching component of the Doing Politics project, and was taught for the first time as an undergraduate option in 2014-2015…

Policy in Action: case studies

You’ve just joined a government department with responsibility for a key policy domain.  There’s an election due in a couple of months, and your team has been asked to supply a briefing for the incoming minister…

Data Collection

Research Skills in the Social Sciences: Data Collection is concerned with the techniques and practices of doing empirical research.  It's a team-taught research training course in the Graduate School, and develops professional competence in gathering information by...

Policy Work

grounded in primary materials, insider accounts and ethnographic case studies, explores ways of thinking about policy making as a form of work or practice... This is a core component of the Academy of Government's Masters programme in Public Policy. There are two...

Explanation and Understanding

in Social and Political Research is a research training course taught in the Graduate School with Steve Kemp... The course explores theoretical issues that arise for those undertaking social and political research. It aims to both offer a clear introduction of a range...

Teaching Award nomination

The student who nominated us for a EUSA Teaching Award wrote that, "This is the first time that a course gave me the feeling of learning together with my class..." “This is the first time that a course gave me the feeling of learning together with my class, as opposed...

Doing politics, teaching politics

was a presentation to the PSA/BISA Learning and Teaching conference in Bristol in September... Doing politics, teaching politics: towards a collaborative case-based pedagogy Darcy Leigh and Richard Freeman In this paper we propose collaborative case-based pedagogy as...


highlights our thinking and teaching about what we do when do politics... ‘doing politics’ is a project based at the Academy of Government, University of Edinburgh. 'doing politics' involves: - developing and deploying micro-sociological approaches to studying and...

Political Work (IHS Vienna)

Political Work was first taught as a short course for the doctoral programme in Sociology at the Institut für höhere Studien in Vienna in 2013. It investigates the practices of politics, concentrating on the specific form of politics which is policy making…

Teaching practice

was a panel led by Richard Freeman and David Laws at the IPA conference in Tilburg... The turn to practice represents an exciting new agenda for policy research that stands many conventions on their heads. But how might it impact on our teaching? This seminar will...

Teaching practice

was a panel led by Richard Freeman and David Laws at the IPA conference in Tilburg... The turn to practice represents an exciting new agenda for policy research that stands many conventions on their heads. But how might it impact on our teaching? This seminar will...