Welfare and Culture in Europe. Towards a new paradigm in social policy
This innovative volume describes how an awareness of culture must be applied to the study and provision of welfare in Europe. It shows how the cultures underpinning social welfare systems are starting to be exposed and explored. The assumption that the values and...Conclusion: a new culture of welfare
Source: Chamberlayne, P, Cooper, A, Freeman, R and Rustin, M (eds) Welfare and Culture in Europe. Towards a new paradigm in social policy, London: Jessica Kingsley linkRecursive politics: prevention, modernity and social systems
The aim of this paper is to connect the recent interest in prevention to recent developments in social theory. It begins by recovering some of prevention’s essential features from the realm of common sense, showing that what is taken to be the common sense of prevention is emblematic of modernity.
Yu-Kang Lee
wrote about the Third Way and is now Assistant Professor at National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan.Introduction: welfare, culture and Europe
Source: Chamberlayne, P, Cooper, A, Freeman, R and Rustin, M (eds) Welfare and Culture in Europe. Towards a new paradigm in social policy, London: Jessica Kingsley linkInstitutions, states and cultures: health policy and politics in Europe
Source: Clasen, J (ed) Comparative Social Policy. Concepts, theories and methods, Oxford: Blackwell linkPolicy Responses to AIDS in Europe
Source: European Commission EUR 17789 – Research on bioethics – AIDS: Ethics, Justice and European PolicyClaire Sutherland
wrote about neo-nationalist ideology in Scotland and Bavaria and now teaches Politics at the University of Manchester.Competition in context: the politics of health care reform in Europe
The purpose of this paper is to provide a basis for exploring the relationship between competition and quality in health care by delineating the different institutional economic and political contexts in which pro-competitive reform was conceived and carried out in different European countries
The German model: the state and the market in health care reform
Source: Ranade, W (ed) Markets and Health Care. A comparative analysis, Harlow: Longman linkPathways through care: the experience of psychiatric patients
The aim of this project was to identify the pathway through psychiatric care beyond the point of first admission.
User perspectives on psychiatric services: a report of a qualitative survey
Source: Journal of the Association for Quality in Health Care 3 (2) 65-72Discharged into the community: the experience of psychiatric patients
Source: Social Services Research 1995 (1) 27-35 linkPrevention as a problem of modernity: the example of HIV and AIDS
Source: Gabe, J (ed) Medicine, Health and Risk. Sociological Approaches, Sociology of Health and Illness Monograph Series, Oxford: BlackwellPrevention and government: health policy making in the United Kingdom and Germany
The gap between rhetoric and reality in health policy making for disease prevention services is well recognized.
Viola Burau
researched the occupational governance of nursing in Britain and Germany and is now Associate Professor of Public Policy, University of Aarhus, Denmark.Prevention in health policy in the Federal Republic of Germany
The comparative study of what tend to be regarded as marginal questions of health policy, such as prevention, is developing slowly.